Monday, August 15, 2011


Learning German has been a fruitful experience so far. I believe that I was able to absorb most of the things taught during class. Most of the difficult moments I had were during the times when I missed class. There were two crucial classes that I missed. The first was when the bestimmter Artikel were introduced. Second, was when the Possessivpronomen were discussed. These were the moments wherein the notion of determining the gender of the nouns were stressed as key in German grammar. I was able to catch up eventually. The easiest topic for me was the numbers as counting can be easily practiced in real life. As far as pronouncing words are concerned, I am aware of the correct way to pronounce most of the syllables but during times when you're not allowed to think much, I default back to the English way of pronouncing things. I've recently explored some of the exercises/modules on the Goethe Institut website and I've started listening to some of the audio to familiarize myself with how things are supposed to sound like. I also remember changing my facebook settings to German at the beginning of the semester but then I reverted back to English in a matter of hours. Last week, I've changed my facebook settings back to German and I have yet to revert it back to English. ^_^

1 comment:

  1. You did miss some crucial sessions there, but you've recovered quite nicely. It's good that you're exploring other resources as well. :)
