Monday, August 15, 2011


Learning German has been a fruitful experience so far. I believe that I was able to absorb most of the things taught during class. Most of the difficult moments I had were during the times when I missed class. There were two crucial classes that I missed. The first was when the bestimmter Artikel were introduced. Second, was when the Possessivpronomen were discussed. These were the moments wherein the notion of determining the gender of the nouns were stressed as key in German grammar. I was able to catch up eventually. The easiest topic for me was the numbers as counting can be easily practiced in real life. As far as pronouncing words are concerned, I am aware of the correct way to pronounce most of the syllables but during times when you're not allowed to think much, I default back to the English way of pronouncing things. I've recently explored some of the exercises/modules on the Goethe Institut website and I've started listening to some of the audio to familiarize myself with how things are supposed to sound like. I also remember changing my facebook settings to German at the beginning of the semester but then I reverted back to English in a matter of hours. Last week, I've changed my facebook settings back to German and I have yet to revert it back to English. ^_^

Monday, July 11, 2011

Steffi Graf - Hausaufgabe

Stefanie Maria Graf - ihr Freunde sagen Steffi - kommt aus Mannheim. Sie ist Tennisspielerin und Philanthropin. Sie hat am 14. Juni Geburtstag und ist 1969 geboren. Sie war Nummer 1 im Frauen-Tennis seit 1987 bis 1996. Sie hat die Nummer 1 für 377 Wochen besitzen. Sie gewann die Goldmedaille im Frauen-Tennis bei den Olympischen Spielen 1988. Sie hat 22 Grand-Slam-Singles Trophäen gewonnen. Zweite nur auf Margaret Court. Sie spricht Englisch und Deutsch. Sie lebt seit 2001 in Las Vegas. Steffi Graf ist verheiratet mit Andre Agassi. Sie haben einen Sohn, Jaden Gil, und eine Tochter, Jaz Elle.

Monday, July 4, 2011

Eins Zwei Drei...

We learned about numbers in German last week. After the class, I immediately used what I learned by counting in German while working out at the gym. I was only able to utilize eins - zwölf though, since the max reps I do per exercise is only zwölf.

Later that day, I was bragging that I can speak more than a billion German words. After all, I can count from eins to neunhundertneunundneunzigmilliardenneunhundertneunundneunzigmillionenneunhundertneunundneunzigtausentneunhundertneunundneunzig!

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Und Wenn Ein Lied

The first ever German pop song I've heard is Und Wenn Ein Lied by Söhne Mannheims. Roughly translated, it means "And When A Song" (The first line "Und wenn ein lied meine lippen verlässt" means "And when a song leaves my lips"). I came across this song while listening to an online streaming of my friend's campus radio show for the University of Manchester. It appealed to me even though I hardly understood the song, and I downloaded a copy to my iPod.

Some of my friends in Germany told me that the group Söhne Mannheims is a boyband and that their main singer, Xavier Naidoo, has a notoriety comparable to our April Boy Regino. But I don't mind, I still like it. While writing this, I just remembered how much I loathed Ke$ha as an artist but I find myself listening to some of her songs over and over (same goes for Miley Cyrus- LOL!).

Here's the video and below it are the lyrics:

Und Wenn Ein Lied

Und wenn ein lied meine lippen verlässt,
Dann nur damit du liebe empfängst.
Durch die nacht und das dichteste geäst
Damit du keine ängste mehr kennst

Sag ein kleines stückchen wahrheit
Sieh wie die wüste lebt
Schaff ein kleines bisschen klarheit
Und schau wie sich der schleier hebt
Eine wüste aus beton und asphalt
Doch sie lebt und öffnet einen spalt
Der dir neues zeigt
Zeigt das altes weicht
Auch wenn dein schmerz bis an
Den himmel reicht

Und wenn ein lied, meine lippen verlässt,
Dann nur damit du liebe empfängst
Durch die nacht und das dichteste geäst
Damit du keine ängste mehr kennst

Dieses lied ist nur für dich
Schön, wenn es dir gefällt
Denn es kam so über mich
Wie die nacht über die welt
Schnellt gefahr aus der dunkelheit
Bin ich zum ersten schlag bereit

Ich bin der erste der dich befreit
Und einer der letzten der um dich weint

Und wenn ein lied (1x)

In unserer sanduhr fällt das letzte korn
Ich hab gewonnen und hab ebenso verlorn
Jedoch missen möcht ich nichts
Alles bleibt unser gedanklicher besitz
Und eine bleibende erinnerung
Zwischen tag und nacht legt sich die dämmerung

Und wenn ein lied

Damit du keine ängste mehr kennst
Damit du keine ängste mehr kennst

Learning Resource

The best way to learn a new a language is to use it as regularly as possible. This is why I have asked help from my German friends to aid me with my learning of their native language. After all, what better resource is there than having native speakers to practice with?

I've specifically asked help from two of my closest German friends, Marcus and Marco (not related. LOL!). Just to differentiate the two, Marcus (Marcus Grohmann) is from Hamburg and is an engineer who works for Airbus, while Marco (Marco ***) is from a suburb near Frankfurt and is a clinical psychologist. We already chat regularly but we've agreed that we would engage in voice conversations as well, through Skype and Yahoo Voice Chat.

I will also make it a point to immerse myself with as much German stuff as possible. I will definitely improve on my collection of German songs in my iPod. Currently, I only have three: Und Wenn Ein Lied by Söhne Mannheims, Engel Fliegen Einsam by Christina Stürmer, and Ohne Dich by Selig. I will also improve on the number of German films that I've watched. At the moment, I've only seen snippets of "What To Do In Case Of Fire (Was Tun, Wenn's Brennt?) when I chanced upon it on HBO. I have to admit that it was not the German language that convinced me to cease my channel surfing and stick with the movie but Til Schweiger's handsome face.

Aside from these, there are lots of learning resources online. The DWTV site has some German language learning modules.